Wednesday, 23 November 2005

Tick Tock

There aren't enough hours in the day. Honest, there aren't. Or do I just over-commit myself to things? No, I don't think I do. I have done in the past, but I've learned my lesson.

Nevertheless, this week is (and has been) very busy.

Sunday: Stripping paint from the bathroom walls. Install Office and Publisher on the new PC. Wardrobe rehearsal. Chat about Habeas Corpus in the pub.
Monday: Work. Copying data/documents/setting, etc, from my two old PCs to the new one. Moved sound and vid-cap cards from old PC to new. Installed the relevant software. Decommissioned one of the old PCs.
Tuesday: Work from home. Finish copying data from the other old PC. Can't decommission it yet as The Wife needs AutoCAD and her documents, which aren't on the new PC yet. Move printer, scanner, webcam, Bluetooth, USB hub over to the new PC. Start plastering over the holes in the bathroom. Watch United fail to beat someone in Europe, again. Keep checking progress of a work-related job I'm running, except the broadband connection goes off and stays off between 9pm and 1am.
Today: Log into work from home (broadband's back in action) to check my job ran OK. Off to work. Spend time blogging at lunchtime. This evening I have an appointment at my chiropractor. Also off to a meeting about the rejuvenation of Brook Hall.
Thursday: Work. Get the bathroom as close to finished as I possibly can - more plastering, sanding and (if possible) undercoating - because the In-Laws are coming over on Friday. At the same time, keep an eye on another job I need to do for a customer. Pray that broadband doesn't go pear-shaped again. Change the sheets on the bed.
Friday: Work. Home for dinner with The Wife and her marvellous Parents. Give Bill his present. Put up the In-Laws in our room - we're setting up camp in the living room. Plan to rob a bank so I can afford a decent place to live.
Saturday: Not enough sleep! No work (hooray!). Carry on painting the bathroom - with any luck I should finish today. Dinner in Woking, probably. Off to the theatre to see One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest with The Wife, the In-Laws and Delmonti.
Sunday: To the Ottershaw Players Hut at 9:30am (when?!) to start loading the set in the van. Then to the theatre by 11:30am to take the keys and get hand-over from the theatre's get-in team. From 12:00, unload everything, start building the set. Finish off around 10:59pm when they come to throw us out.

Next Week on Now What Happens?:

Monday - Sunday: Work/Theatre/Bed. Repeat until knackered. Realise it's still only Friday - there's still two shows to do on Saturday and a get-out on Sunday.

Blogging may start getting sparse for the next 10 days. I usually post from work, but I'll be using my office time for sleeping...

1 comment:

Chris said...
