Wednesday 15 August 2007

Soul Rollers

Well, we've chosen the colour that we are going to paint our living room. It's a lovely shade from the Fallow & Bell range of colours based upon popular soul and R&B singers.

The main colour we've chosen is Al Green. Here are some of the other paint colours available:

James Brown
Alexander Eau De Nil
Otis Reddish
Marvin Graye
Luther van Gloss
Reddie Floyd
Corinne Beigey Rae
Diana Russet
Barry White
There's another soul colour hidden somewhere in this post. First to find it wins a match-pot...


D said...


I claim that tester for my soon to be decorated kitchen (well I have only been there 9 years now). For the Love God himself and probably the colour my walls will end up.

petercmoore said...

Bingo! You have found the Walrus White himself and a match-pot is yours to claim!

[I'm guessing that's Dave S? You need to finish off your Blogger profile...]

D said...

Yes Pete it is I - I'll get around to it one day - but not being a blogger myself I can't really be arsed