As we entered Tesco we were approached by a security guard who told us she had to take her hood down. We tried to ask why but we were just told "it was the new rules". There are no signs up to tell anyone about these new rules.
While we did our shopping it was infuriating to count the number of people who were wearing baseball caps, stocking caps, ski hats, trilbies, head-scarves, turbans, etc, etc. Does this head-covering moritorium only apply to my wife? Or just people in "hoodies"? Or just women?
Is Tesco's new anti-hoodie rule something for my local Addlestone branch? Or is it nationwide? Either way, why are there no signs or publicity about this ludicrous rule?
I intend to write to the supermarket chain to get to the bottom of this affair.
In other news, an elderly gent was told to remove his trilby in a city-centre pub, in Hereford.
The BBC seem to want to satirize this, and the news that Arnold Scwarzenegger shouldn't be riding a motorbike. The front page of their news site today appears to show Arnie in a fetching hat himself. Just take a look:

Never mind - things'll get better when Princess Tony's new 'respect' rules come into force and all the social workers and such like have been to 'parenting academy' (would they be the same social workers who visit families and don't notice that children are being beaten and starved to death?). In this new Utopia wearing hoods will be compulsory so that there is no discrimination!
Down with Tesco is what I say (and I've been saying it for months now)
What is with you guys and this "hoodie" business? When I was there in May, every person in the country had their thongs in a bunch about hooded sweatshirts. And while (whilst?) I realize that the criminal element may indeed on occasion wear hooded sweatshirts, why stop there? Sunglasses? Stocking caps? Nikes?
Tell your wife I'm wearing a hoodie right now in support of her God-given right to wear one in Tesco. Up the hood, baby!
Are you fucking kidding me?? For wearing a hoodie? Thats crazy. I would be kicked out of everywhere, kuz I wear hoodies all winter long! I too am wearing a hoddie right now, with the hood up! Like honestly. If they told everyone to take off their garb, like they have tried to, it would be considered racist. I consider this hoodie-ist! Are they going to chatise me for wearing a hoodie when I come over in the spring? How about I just wear nothing then!
See? *link* I wasn't lying, haha, I wear em all the time!
MaryB - it's just the latest kids fashion that makes older people 'scared'. When you were over here it was probably skinheads with "bovver boots"!
Mel - yeah, you in trouble girl! Black AND wearing a hoodie?! I doubt they'll let you in the country!! ;-)
Dammit! I knew it!
I went to Tesco's in Weybridge with Emily (my 5 year old daughter).... as usual it was pissing down outside so Em had her hood up....
Security stop us both and demanded Emily put her hood down. I quickly showed him my white, middle class, home owner, Tory voting membership card (which was hanging from the Mercedes Key Fob)
He apologised to both of us and resumed chewing tobaco and swinging on his front porch.
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