Thursday 13 September 2007

Fountain of Youth

I saw a very interesting headline on the BBC News website today.

It said: Cocaine users 'getting younger'.

That's miraculous! Now I'm the wrong side of forty I am getting more interested in products which can make me look more youthful. If it can make you younger, maybe we should all give cocaine a try? After all, the Victorians used it ("Can't beat the feeling"!) and they invented the telephone, light bulbs and chocolate Easter eggs.

Cocaine costs from £30 - £50 per gram (according to the BBC - my dealer's cheaper than that, but then, I'm not in TV!) which is cheaper than Botox at about £200 per shot (according to MLYW, and she should know).

Then again, a tube of Clarins Multi Active Night Cream Prevention Plus is only £37 for 50g, which is a lot cheaper, but much harder to snort up through a £50 note...

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