Oh dear! MLYW had an accident in the kitchen some time ago. It was a bit messy. Loving husband that I am, I decided to photograph the results rather than call an ambulance...
[Edit: Woo! Yay! I made Site of the Day. Fantastico! Thanks TNChick.]
Note: No wives were hurt in making this picture.
O.k., that's one of the funniest things I've ever seen... in an "I know she's o.k." sort of way. :)
That is too funny, assuming that's ketchup on the cabinets. Perfect for the theme.
So what to think here....
Either you are a real jerk or you are a real funny prankster. I'm leaning toward prankster but in all honesty even if that is blood that's what people in my family would think to do but we'd call 911 then take the photo! :)
hahahahaa.... hilarious to pick the camera rather than the phone first!
Happy 2008 :P
It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle
Hahaha. This is funny. She didn't file for a divorce, or did she? Lol. Happy New Year!
haha! nice one! I actually held my breath at first glance thinking that's blood spilled all over... it IS just ketchup, right? :D
Happy Holidays!
hahaha.... that's what passionate bloggers do! My hubby is worried I would do this when he or my son is hurt.
Happy New Year!
I'm glad I live alone, so there is no one to take pictures of me during moments like this. :)
My photo hunts include road construction, a bad restaurant, and a driveway full of snow.
But, with ketchup [catsup] ------we just gotta have french fries?!!!!
Mine's posted, hope you can drop by and visit with me!!
sure, you needed the photo for a photo hunt, what is wrong with that?
Perfect shot for the theme. It sure is messy. I assume it´s ketchup and nothing else!!!
Maybe you have a mobile phone with camera. Shoot first before dialing. Nice one.
It's worrying just how much you like this picture ;-)
Great shot! I really like what Sarge Charlie said "sure, you needed the photo for a photo hunt, what is wrong with that?"
Who cleaned it up?
oh my!!!
you really are a very loving husband! lol! ;)
happy photohunting!!!
check out my entry this week here: http://www.blogsilog.com/?p=504
I said it before, and I'll say it again... That's FUNNY!
That is a really cool shot! lol
LOL - love it!!!
Have a great weekend.
Y'know in my case, if I were bleeding and on the ground, my family would probably take pictures before calling 911. And if it were something I did due to a stupid thing on my part, they'd laught about it at the same time.
Cool pic, though. I have mine up on my blog as well.
That is one of the best SPH pictures I've seen in a LONG time! Bravo!!! What a great take on the theme!
Man, I hope that stuff came out of those WHITE cabinets! *gulp*
Write From Karen
Wao~~ Is she ok?
Call me sick, but that is a nice picture! I wish I had some good ones of my knee surgery! WOOT!
That's such fun! Congrats on being site of the week!
I hope that's ketchup!!
Mine's up too :)
That was very ingenious! Great idea! Congrats on site of the day! Have a good weekend.
Oh my, I do hope that it's just catsup. Great one for the theme. Congrats for being site of the day.
I hate it when I drop tomato sauce! Thanks for the LOL.
Well, there are a few good reasons to live alone :) Of course if left alone in this situation, one would probably lie there for days.
Neat shot for Messy and Congrats!
Congrats on the site of the day. Your messy pic is perfect for the theme. I am glad to hear no wife was harmed during this during the taking of this picture. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice night.
Hey, Congrats on being site of the Day! Quite gross but yeah messy!
If you didnt put a note there I would have thought you to be cruel.
Oh my, this photo could have many different captions!
congrats on site of the week
Been there done that tooooo often congrats on site of the week
hahahahahaha - this is just too cool!!. Congrats for the good shot done..:)
Kudos to hubby
SICK!! and Just PLAIN OLE WRONG! but oh, just so darn perfect for this weeks theme and for the capture of "site of the week"! Great job!
What fun! Congratulations on being site of the week, very well deserved.
Yikes, now that was messy but looks like it was fun to do.
Yep, definitely messy.
Very clever interpretation!
Ewwww! lol Congratulations on "Site of the Day!" ;o)
Many years ago a cup of a red, white and blue frozen cocktail (strawberries, blueberries and coconut) jumped out of the freezer at a friend's house. The resulting mess inspired a picture not unlike this one. I hadn't thought of that in quite a while. Thanks for bringing back the memory of that fun time.
Congrats for "Site of the Day"!!! :) It's not a Weekend;It's a Lifestyle
gee... for a moment there I thought it was blood...
late congrats on site of the day! i think. :D
Congratulations! She must love you lots to cooperate for your photo hunt pleasure. lol
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